A Christmas Homily

The following is one of the earliest and one of the most famous Christmas sermons in Christian history. John Chrysostom - or John the "Golden Mouthed" - lived during the latter half of the fourth century A.D. and has been regarded by Christians ever since as one of the greatest preachers that Christ has given to his Church. In Chrysostom's sermon, we find nothing of the commercialism and bland "thankfulness for the holiday season" that

Entering Into Advent

As I write this we are approaching the second Sunday of Advent according to the church calendar. I have not always thought of the yearly cycle in these terms. I grew up in a secular household that relegated religion to holidays characterized mostly by Santa and the Easter Bunny. Even after responding consciously to God's call on my life as an adult, I continued for some time to order my life around the secular calendar.

Remembering the First Thanksgiving

25 Nov 2015

Earlier this semester in a Great Conversation 3 class, we discussed the common assumption that the Pilgrims founded America so that everyone could worship as they please. Something of this assumed religious pluralism seems even to color how many understand the first Thanksgiving. Natives and British settlers side by side, setting aside religious and cultural differences, simply to "be thankful." However, when we read William Bradford's journal, now known as Of Plymouth Plantation, we find

The Selfie and the Send

The Selfie and the Send:  The Two Rhetorics We Teach Caleb stands in front of his webcam wearing a crazy t-shirt depicting an orange moose climbing up the topside of a triangle (some kind of visual pun, which I could figure out if I remembered my geometry). Bright green headphones are clamped to his head and he is ready to begin his speech. Because he is comfortable in this setting, Caleb stands in the framed

Teacher Spotlight: Teri Everett

What excites you most about being part of the WHA faculty? I am thankful to be a part of a school that embraces Truth and actively promotes academic excellence as part of our pursuit of Truth. I love the classical model of education which seeks richness and depth in knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. I also love science, and desire to teach in an environment where a robust science education points students to our creator rather

The Fullness of Time

As Martin Luther approached the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg on October 31st, 1517, he did not expect anything remarkable to occur. Knowing something of what has transpired since that momentous event, I find this fact about Luther fascinating and worth some reflection. Not long before posted his "Ninety-five Theses," Luther had already written and posted a different set of theses (ninety-seven) to be debated in an academic setting. There was nothing unusual

Teaching the Trivium

I have several children under the age of ten, and I often find myself teaching them what classical educators have called the Trivium: the arts of language, reasoning, and expression. To cite one example, my five-year old daughter and I were on our way out to milk the cow the other night when she noticed how the clouds were moving quickly past the moon. But to her it was not the clouds moving but rather

A Focus on “Math in Focus”

One of the oldest proverbial sayings in the English language is, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.”  If there are any of you out there that still insist on calculating math solutions with a slide rule (or who even remember what a slide rule is!), you know what I mean. As the march of time presses on, I tend to resist change, especially for change for change’s sake. If something has worked well

AP Results Are In

Wilson Hill Academy is proud of our AP® students who took AP Exams in May. Overall we had 29 enrolled in AP classes (Biology, Calculus AB, Chemistry, and Latin). The students and teachers who pioneered these courses at WHA deserve a special round of applause for their efforts and results: Class Instructor Tested/Total    5’s    4’s    3’s Biology Owens, M      8 of 13    0    3    2 Calculus Stublen, A

Summer Reading

22 Jul 2015

Several years ago I read a book by Ken Hughes called Disciplines of a Godly Man. The main theme of the book deals with imitating older, wiser men and their godly habits. One such habit he discusses is reading. Hughes challenged me to think more deeply about what I read, and at the end of the book he listed several well-known leaders in the church, and he included a list of their favorite books. Knowing