The Sacrifice of Thanksgiving

things God has done throughout history; let us sacrifice our own feeble attempts to maintain our independence and sense of control, and let us make that sacrifice active in the way we serve and love those around us.
Wilson Hill Academy Blog
things God has done throughout history; let us sacrifice our own feeble attempts to maintain our independence and sense of control, and let us make that sacrifice active in the way we serve and love those around us.
Does exam time loom before you like a dark cloud, a season of student life when the sun does not shine until you emerge from the other side? Here is my advice: Don’t study for exams! That is to say, don’t start preparing for exams by diving right into studying. Cramming doesn’t work. Instead, plan to light your path through exam time by first considering three priorities: when to review, how to review and what
“Blessed is the man… delight is in the law of the Lord… He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither.” Psalm 1 Beauty, Goodness and Truth In our first of three articles on beauty, goodness and truth, we said that a child’s journey in education begins, not with an investigation into truth, but with the power of beauty that brings
I like to ask students, “What does a student do?” Most commonly, they reply, “Students study. Students learn.” Then I like to ask what activities students must do to make that learning happen. In other words, what are the habits of a successful student? I use a framework of five categories to help students address the varied aspects of student life that need to be part of their routine: workspace management, task management, reading practices,
A common theme in Christian education circles is the pursuit of “Truth, Goodness and Beauty.” And perhaps it is appropriate that we begin a discussion about education with the pursuit of “truth.” But is that really where God starts with us? We are reminded repeatedly in scripture (1 Chronicles 16:29, 2 Chronicles 20:21, Psalm 29:2, Psalm 96:9) that we should, “worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.” Jesus also encourages us to come to
Have you ever created something beautiful, or performed an extraordinary feat...and no one noticed? Whether it’s playing a beautiful song on the piano, or painting a beautiful landscape, or making an amazing and improbable shot on the basketball court, it is a natural reaction to want to be noticed. And while that desire can become corrupt and turn into a toxic form of pride, the basic drive to create and to have others share our
One of the most familiar elements of classical education is training in rhetoric, the art of persuasive speaking or writing. At Wilson Hill this training culminates in Senior Thesis—as the last step toward graduation, a senior writes and defends a thesis on a particular topic of interest. Though this project may sound intimidating, our curriculum is designed to begin preparing students before they even reach the School of Rhetoric to not only succeed in Senior
Love them or hate them, grades are an important part of the learning experience. Although an imperfect measurement, grades provide valuable information about comprehension, mastery and areas that need improvement. But so often, a healthy desire for diligent learning becomes an unhealthy fixation on getting good grades. This can drive students to unhealthy levels of worry and a shift in how they understand the real purpose of education. Grade-focused learning becomes less about seeking to
Exam season is upon us, bringing with it much anticipation. Of course, the end of exams marks the beginning of summer, and it also represents a rewarding opportunity for students to see the fruit of their hard work. Yet we know that exam season can also bring undue stress and dread. Students may feel overwhelmed by assignments and the never-ending need to study. Given our culture’s emphasis on test grades as a measure of one’s
Easter is a cosmic event. Through the resurrection of Jesus, the entire cosmos has been made anew, exchanging corruptible with incorruptible. As it was in the beginning, light has broken into the darkness; the chaos has been transformed into harmony. And we who are united in Christ by faith are reborn—redeemed from our fallen nature and made alive in Him by the Spirit's power. Even death has no claim on us: we shall arise with