99 Medals!

26 Mar 2019

Wilson Hill Academy Latin students earned 99 medals in the 2018-19 National Classical Etymology Exam, an online test sponsored by the National Junior Classical League. WHA secondary Latin students have participated in this annual exam since 2014, but this year yields a record-setting result, with 51% of participating students earning medals. “One of the reasons we study Latin is so that we can have a deep understanding of words,” Latin teacher Joanna Hensley explains. “Etymology

TGC 4 Students Fashion Shields for Achilles!

Symbol surrounded by flames21 Jan 2019

Dr. Vierra asked his 10th grade TGC 4 students to play Hephaistos from Homer's Iliad and fashion for Achilles a new shield. Each student imagined this shield and captured it in a drawing. Wow - enjoy! In order to create his, Eli Herrington first modeled a shield, and then using the book and some ancient Greek resources as references, he engraved the 3D shield with drawings using a Wacom tablet. Next, to create the fiery effects,

Dear God, Please Don’t Let Christmas Come.

7 Dec 2018

“Dear God, please don’t let Christmas come.” Have you ever been there? And, I don’t mean perhaps being a little overwhelmed with too much holiday preparation. I mean when the idea of celebrating anything is more than you can handle. For me it was 1987. For most of my life, I had looked forward to Christmas with the usual excitement and anticipation. Raised by parents who taught me from the Bible, I always thought I

Biology, Poetry and “Plucking the Season While it’s Ripe”

Literature coursework featuring nature themes from online Christian homeschooling student29 Nov 2018

Recently, Mrs. Owens' WHA Honors Biology students wrote short essays in the style of either Wendell Berry or Aldo Leopold. She had asked them to spend 20-30 minutes outdoors in a specific place of solitude and write about their thoughts and observations. Enjoy the following by Daniel Moreau and Helen Shearer. Enjoying the Moment in a Busy World The season is ripening. Autumn has come with remarkable colors; it is an apple that is almost ready

Venimus, Vidimus, Vicimus! WHA’s Junior Classical League Chapter Wins Award!

26 Nov 2018

We are so excited to announce that the WHA Junior Classical League chapter’s t-shirt won the National Junior Classical League Monthly Publicity Contest for Club Swag! Abigail Hicks and Peyton Louise Robuck created the design for the t-shirt based on JCL members’ ideas. The front of the t-shirt features the official JCL logo. The back quotes, “We came, we saw,” and then lists our JCL activities, which was Julia Moore’s idea of “We came, we