Where can I find the Academic Calendar?
The current Academic Calendar can be found here.
The current Academic Calendar can be found here.
Wilson Hill Academy is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS CASI), an accreditation division of Cognia.
SACS CASI provides nationally-recognized accreditation, the purpose of which is continuous school improvement focused on increasing student performance. To earn accreditation, schools must meet SACS CASI’s high standards, be evaluated by a team of professionals from outside the school and implement a continuous process of school improvement.
SACS CASI accreditation is recognized across state lines, which not only eases the transfer process as students move from accredited school to accredited school but also assures parents that the school is meeting nationally accepted standards for quality and successful professional practice.
Accreditation serves students and their parents by validating a student’s hard work in the eyes of secondary and higher education institutions worldwide. While some institutions welcome students from home schooling or virtual school, sometimes individuals on the admissions frontlines hold biases against such students for a variety of reasons. While these biases are slowly shifting, they may never disappear.
Affiliation with a globally-recognized accrediting body overcomes biases. Accreditation promotes WHA as a recognized brand of excellent college-prep education, which enhances the transcript of all WHA students. Parents and interested community members can learn more about accreditation at cognia.org .
WHA has obtained NCAA approval for our core courses, which may make it easier for aspiring student athletes to compete for scholarships.
WHA is a member of ACCS.
This varies to some extent by class. For science, math or other classes that depend heavily on the textbook, it is important to have the specific version used by the teacher. For literature, we recommend using the specified ISBN, since a student may have some difficulty following page number references in class. This is not required, however, and in many classes electronic versions or used versions from other sources may be a cost-effective option. For any literature or other source material originally written in some other language than modern English, however, it is essential that the version used is based on the same translation/translator.
Book lists are posted as downloadable PDF files on our main website under the “Academics” tab by course or series of courses. Each book list will have an academic year associated with it. There may be small changes from year to year, so acquiring books for next year based on the current year’s book list may result in unnecessary expense. It is our goal to post the book lists for the upcoming school year by mid-April of the current school year. The referenced school year in the book list link will be your key.
To be placed on the waitlist for a course section that is currently full, simply add the section to your cart and check out. It is free to be added to a waitlist.
We recommend registering for a backup section in case a spot does not open in the class you are on a waitlist for. If and when a seat becomes available, you will be notified and asked to confirm your registration choice.
Note that when an opening occurs, we process the waitlist by considering a number of factors. The timestamp of the registration is considered while also prioritizing graduating seniors, full-time Wilson Hill students and students who may face time zone challenges based on their location.
Please consult the recommended courses of study below for the appropriate grade levels:
Grammar School (Grades 4-6)
School of Logic (Grades 7-8)
School of Rhetoric (Grades 9-12)
Click here for the current course schedule
Each year we hold a graduation ceremony during LINK. All students who have fulfilled the WHA graduation requirements are eligible to participate. We welcome all other WHA graduating seniors to participate at LINK and other senior activities.
Please consult the graduation requirements page.
We use FACTS to collect deferred tuition payments. They handle billions of dollars of payments for colleges, universities and private schools throughout the country. This is an independent service that maintains a secure site for processing recurring charges. It does save your financial account data, but it is very widely used and has a state-of-the-art approach to preventing incursions (This is hard, which is why we rely on the experts rather than processing payments ourselves.)
Not necessarily. They do charge a small fee ($43/family for monthly payment plans or $10/family for a two-installment plan), but they also allow you to pay your balance in full without additional fees. (WHA pays a small fee for using this service, but it is well worth it!)
It is real. And it is important that you do set up a valid payment plan as soon as possible after you register. Enrollments with no valid payment plan in place for deferred tuition are subject to cancelation.
We do not have access to any of the details of your relationship with FACTS other than being able to see account status and balances due. In particular, we do not have any involvement in fees FACTS may charge for returned payments. It does look like they will waive those fees in some cases if you respond quickly. For example, a common cause of returned payments is using an expired credit card, and if you log in and change the expiration date promptly, you can usually get them to waive the fee.
There is a unique link sent to you with your invitation to set up your payment plan. Use that link to establish your account and set up a password. Once your account is set up, you should use whatever features FACTS provides to help you if you forget your password.
No. You can make direct payments over the phone through FACTS. Simply call their toll-free number to get details @ 866.441.4637.
If this is a problem for you, contact us for wire transfer details.
Please view our Registration page for more information on how to register.
Students will be provided with a Wilson Hill Academy email account, which they will use to log in to Canvas.
We offer summer courses at Wilson Hill Academy, but it is not our intention that everyone should take one. Each one is designed with a purpose: to provide a little more practice in a subject, to focus on only one subject, to give an opportunity to learn about something new, to spend time with a particular teacher to learn about something they especially love, or to learn something just for fun.
Your student simply needs a reliable computer with a recent version of an internet browser (Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, Firefox, etc.) and a strong internet connection. All WHA technology runs within the browser on your individual machine. Tablets or other mobile devices are also supported, but in some cases with a reduction in ease of use. Note also that access control plug-ins (“nanny software”) may have to be configured to allow access to both the live classroom environment and various features of Canvas, the Learning Management System.
Please consult the Terms & Conditions page.
Please complete the Transcript Request form HERE.
Please allow at least TWO weeks per transcript request for processing. We do NOT rush transcripts. You are responsible for following up with the institution(s) to ensure the transcript was received. During busy seasons, it can take up to two months for colleges to confirm transcript receipt in your admissions portal.
Tuition & Fees vary by course. All classes are presented live and, except where noted, meet for two ninety-minute classes per week for the entire school year. They range in price from $700-1050 per class. Find specific prices in our registration system.
Please fill out the EDVantage Information Request Form and someone will be in touch with more details.