Graduation Requirements
Credit Requirements for a Wilson Hill Academy Diploma
Credit requirements are satisfied through School of Rhetoric (SOR) level coursework completed in grades 9-12, either via WHA courses or approved transfer credits*. The Recommended Credits represent the academic rigor desired for colleges with more competitive admissions. Parents are encouraged to establish a graduation plan with the Wilson Hill Academy Advising Department upon entry to WHA School of Rhetoric and to update that plan with an advisor annually.
Subject Area | Minimum SOR Credits | Recommended SOR Credits |
English – Literature | 4 | 4 |
Includes 1 credit from each period-Ancient, Medieval, Modern (as covered in The Great Conversation series courses shown in the Recommended Course of Study) plus one additional Literature credit. Ancient (either The Great Conversation 4 or The Great Conversation 1+4) and at least one other period from The Great Conversation 3, 5 or 6 courses must be taken at WHA. | ||
English – Composition/Rhetoric |
3 | 4 |
Rhetoric 2 is required to be taken from WHA. It is recommended to take a School of Rhetoric level composition course along with Honors Logic and Rhetoric 1 from WHA as well. Proficiency through the level of Honors Logic is a prerequisite for Rhetoric 1. | ||
History | 4 | 4 |
Includes 1 credit from each period-Ancient, Medieval, Modern (as covered in The Great Conversation series courses shown in the Recommended Course of Study) plus one additional History course. Classical (either The Great Conversation 4 or The Great Conversation 1+4) and one other period from The Great Conversation 3, 5 or 6 courses must be taken at WHA. | ||
Math | 3 | 4 |
Completion through Algebra 2 is required. Pre-Calculus/Trig and AP Calculus AB are recommended for students planning to pursue STEM or business programs in college. | ||
Science |
3 | 4 |
Sciences shown in the Recommended Course of Study are recommended -specifically completion of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. | ||
Language |
2 | 3-4 |
Credits must be earned in a single language sequence and taken in grades 9-12. May include Latin and Greek if taken in grades 9-12. | ||
Classical Language | Proficiency through level 2 | Proficiency through level 2 |
Latin or Greek proficiency through level 2. | ||
Theology | 1 | 1 |
These credits are earned as part of the required courses in The Great Conversation series. | ||
Fine Arts | 1 | 1 |
May be earned with AP Art History or approved transfer course; see Transfer Credit policies. | ||
Academic Electives |
2 | 3 |
Electives should be academic in nature and can be achieved through additional courses in any of the above subject areas. |
PE | 1 | 1 |
See Transfer Credit policies. |
TOTAL | 24 | 27 or more |
* Transfer Credits: A student who transfers to Wilson Hill Academy in grade 10 or above or takes courses outside of Wilson Hill Academy in grades 9-12 must submit an official transcript for all coursework for which he/she would like to receive credit toward graduation from WHA. Transcripts will be reviewed, and course credits will be approved for Transfer Credit by the WHA Registrar or College Advisor.
Residency Requirements
A student who wishes to earn a diploma and graduate from Wilson Hill Academy must satisfactorily complete the minimum number of course credits required for graduation and also complete a minimum number of WHA courses (not credits) according to the following criteria:
- Students entering in 9th grade must complete at least 12 courses at WHA with a passing grade.
- Students entering in 10th grade must complete at least 10 courses at WHA with a passing grade.
- Students entering in 11th grade must complete at least 7 courses at WHA with a passing grade.
- Students entering in 12th grade must complete at least 4 courses at WHA with a passing grade and obtain approval from the College Advisor
Students must also complete at least 25% (a minimum of 6) of the required graduation credits at Wilson Hill Academy.
December, 2024 (effective for the graduating class of 2029 or later)