Section: Humanities, Literature, Schools   |   School: School of Rhetoric

People throughout all time have wrestled with the tough questions of life: How can a good God exist while evil ravages the world? What does Christianity have to do with my culture? What is the relationship between science and religion? What is at the heart of faith in Christ? This class explores these and other questions through the eyes of Fyodor Dostoevsky, one of the deepest Christian thinkers of all time. Students read and discuss the psychologically penetrating works of this 19th century Russian author and realize that though Dostoevsky’s works are not for the faint of heart, careful examination of his literature reaps profound rewards.

Topics include: the significance of Dostoevsky’s works in historical context; discussing and debating ideas from these works and assessing those ideas in light of biblical truth; and learning how to express ideas effectively in written form.

This course carries an honors designation. Due to the apologetic component of this class, students may receive credit against graduation requirements for either Literature or Theology.

Prerequisites: This class is intended for 11th or 12th graders with substantial exposure to great books such as those included in The Great Conversation series. Exceptional 10th graders will be considered for admission upon request.

Homework Habits: Students typically spend 3-4 hours a week on reading assignments and discussion board posts.

Suggested Grade Level: 11–12

2025-2026 Book List