Throughout the scriptures, we are told to look at the great things God has done for us throughout history as a way of reminding ourselves of His power and goodness (see, for example, I COR. 10:11). This good providence of God is the starting point for history at Wilson Hill Academy. History is more than just a “subject”, though; it is a perspective or lens through which we consider ideas, influences and influencers from past ages as they affect our current choices and future callings.  

At the Grammar School level, our Story of History series focuses on putting all of history in the context of God’s story. Who were the heroes? The villains? Where and when did various events take place? And what was it like then and there?

In the School of Logic, we include “history” in the first cycle of our integrated humanities series, The Great Conversation. Students begin to see the way people, events and ideas interact with each other and build upon each other over time. They also begin to make analytical connections and to draw cause-and-effect conclusions. For those who need a little more context, we also offer a World Geography and History course that paints a backdrop against which to view material covered in The Great Conversation.

In the School of Rhetoric, we continue to integrate “history” with the second cycle of The Great Conversation series. Increasingly, students are challenged to make interpretive connections and apply the lessons learned from history (and humanities as a whole) to their own life choices and callings. At the same time, we offer elective courses that allow students to dig deeper into specific areas of history and to explore questions of historiography (how one “does” history).  

The ultimate goal is for students to see God’s hand of Providence at work, and to be equipped to answer Francis Schaeffer’s famous question, How Shall We Then Live?

Story of History: Ancients

The Story of History series covers the flow of history from Bible times through the 20th century, providing students a backdrop against which they can better engage the Great Conversation. […]

Section: History   |   School: Grammar School

Story of History: Christendom

The Story of History series covers the flow of history from Bible times through the 20th century, providing students a backdrop against which they can better engage the Great Conversation. […]

Section: History   |   School: Grammar School

Story of History: Modernity

The Story of History series covers the flow of history from Bible times through the 20th century, providing students a backdrop against which they can better engage the Great Conversation. […]

Section: History   |   School: Grammar School

World Geography and History

The story of history is the story of God’s providence. This course weaves together the flow of history in three dimensions: time, space and story. Using a timeline that starts […]

Section: History   |   School: School of Logic

Twentieth Century History

This elective history course is a sort of “sequel” to the Grammar School Story of History series. School of Logic students get to know the heroes, villains and key events […]

Section: History   |   School: School of Logic

AP Art History

This college-level course surveys the history of painting, sculpture and architecture from the cave paintings of Lascaux to the splatterings of Jackson Pollock. Students gain a Christian understanding of the […]

Section: AP Courses, History, Humanities   |   School: School of Rhetoric

US Government and Economics (H)

This course satisfies the common state requirement for one semester each of government and economics, two of the most fundamental social aspects of God’s design for how humans are to act and […]

Section: History   |   School: School of Rhetoric

AP US History

Students in AP® US History survey the full sweep of United States history from pre-Columbian to recent America. This college-level course is thematic, emphasizing how we should understand our history […]

Section: AP Courses, History   |   School: School of Rhetoric