
Dynamic, engaging instruction defines Geometry at Wilson Hill. This course provides students with the tools required to engage analytically with their everyday surroundings as they develop spatial reasoning and problem-solving […]

Section: Geometry, Math   |   School: School of Rhetoric (Grades 9-12)

Algebra 2

Algebra 2 builds on the foundation of Algebra 1 and provides students deeper insight into and a greater appreciation for mathematical models. Students develop and practice higher-level abstract thinking and […]

Physics 1

In this introductory physics course, students master the basic tools of physics. By considering questions like “What is sound and how does it travel through the air?” or “What is […]

Section: Physics, Sciences   |   School: School of Rhetoric (Grades 9-12)

Physics 1 (Honors)

In this rigorous physical science course, students master the fundamental concepts of physics and introductory concepts in chemistry, including computational and analytical skills. As students explore questions like -why does […]

Section: Physics, Sciences   |   School: School of Rhetoric (Grades 9-12)


In this complete first-year high school chemistry course, students examine the properties of, and interactions between, different types of matter. Throughout the course, students gain hands-on laboratory experience by performing […]

Latin 3 (H)

Latin 3 students complete their study of Latin grammar, which is an impressive accomplishment! They also begin to examine different types of Latin poetry, including Catullus, Virgil and Ovid, learning […]

Section: Languages, Latin   |   School: School of Rhetoric (Grades 9-12)

Spanish 3

In this advanced Spanish course, students develop a more natural rhetorical grasp of the language. They enjoy a variety of ongoing opportunities to practice the communication skills learned in Spanish […]

Section: Languages, Spanish   |   School: School of Rhetoric (Grades 9-12)


In this introductory biology course, students examine from a biblical worldview the nature of life and the chemical basis of living cells. Using classical methodology, students learn to think critically […]

Section: Biology, Sciences   |   School: School of Rhetoric (Grades 9-12)